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Коды ошибок Zapi

Автор ForkliftMan, 27 апреля 2020, 18:31:53


Коды ошибок, отображаемые дисплеем Zapi MDI.
Pdf во вложении.


Коды ошибок некоторых контроллеров Zapi, читаемые по светодиодному (LED) индикатору.

Zapi FC1001
Zapi FC2086
Zapi FC2125
Zapi FS2042
Zapi FS2110
Zapi FZ5017
Zapi FZ5018
Zapi H2, H2B в режимах движения или гидравлики.

Pdf файлы во вложении.


На приборке код ошибки 062 на блоке ZAPI H2B,подскажите куда лесть ?


Ошибка 62 - сработала защита по температуре.
Вот описание от пары близких по схемотехнике к H2B контроллеров Zapi:

If the temperature of the chopper rises higher than 75°C, this alarm is generated.
The chopper current is reduced in proportion to the increase in temperature.
At 90°C the chopper totally stops. If the temperature of the chopper is <- 10°C,
this Alarm is also generated and the current is reduced by 80 %.
If this alarm is displayed when the chopper temperature is the same as ambient or =<10°C:
a) Check the connection of the temperature sensor.
b) The temperature sensor may be defective.
c) The logic may be defective

It indicates that chopper temperature has exceeded 75°C.
Max. current is progressively reduced until a zero value is reached at the temperature of 85°C.
If the alarm is displayed while the machine is in cold state:
a) Check thermal sensor connection
b) Faulty thermal sensor
c) Interrupted power unit connection
d) Faulty logic unit


Можно прочитать ошибку на самом контроллере H2 по миганию светодиода.
7 миганий соответствуют ошибке TH PROTECTION по перегреву выше 80 градусов.

Описание для H2/H2B контроллера гидравлики или движения:

It indicates that the Controller temperature has exceeded 80°C.
The maximum current is gradually reduced to a value of zero at a temperature of 85°C.
a) If the alarm occurs immediately when the truck is turned on and the Controller is cold, it is very likely that the heat detection circuit on the power or on the Controller is broken. In this case replace the Controller.
b) If the alarm occurs frequently just a short time after the truck has been switched on, it is probably due to little cooling. Check that the securing nuts are bolted tightly and that the Controller is correctly installed.